Pada tanggal 27 Februari 2021 diselenggarakan webinar dua Bahasa (Inggris dan Melayu) oleh Forum Ekonomi Manusiawi (FEM) Malaysia bekerjasama dengan Institute Darul Ehsan (IDE), International Institute of Islamic Thought (IIIT), ABIM, dan Universitas Ibn Khaldun Bogor Indonesia.  Webinar ini didahului dengan peluncuran buku ‘Membangun Ekonomi Manusiawi’ oleh Dato’ Sri Anwar Ibrahim, mantan wakil Perdana Menteri Malaysia. 

Ada empat alasan mengapa buku ‘Membangun Ekonomi Manusiawi’ ini penting.  Pertama, Buku ini mengulas persoalan manusiawi yang dipecahkan dengan meletakkan kebenaran dan sistem nilai sebagai pusat segala aktivitas ekonomi.  Kedua, Buku ini mengandung sebelas bab yang merupakan hasil pemikiran beberapa ahli dari Malaysia dan Indonesia serta aktivis sosial yang berpengalaman dalam kerja-kerja NGO termasuk misi kemanusiaan secara global.  Ketiga, Buku ini terbit di zaman brave new world hasil penulisan aktivis yang kritis terhadap ekonomi konvensional, dan keempat buku ini menawarkan suatu pendekatan ekonomi yang lebih humanistik melalui pemberdayaan manusia itu sendiri.

Penulis didaulat untuk memberikan vote of appreciation di akhir acara, yang tertulisnya adalah sebagai berikut.

Assalamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuh!

Thank you, Ladies and Gentlemen, all speakers and participants.

And indeed, it is worth looking back. I was still at the International Islamic University Islamabad when I visited Mahbub ul-Haq Foundation in 2007. Why I discuss Mahbub ul-Haq?  Because he is the one who put humanistic measure in economic development. 

Mahbub ul-Haq was a Pakistani economistpolitician and international development theorist who served as Finance Minister of Pakistan from 10 April 1985 until 28 January 1986, and again from June to December of 1988.  After graduating in economics from Government College Lahore, he won a scholarship to Cambridge University obtaining a second degree. Subsequently, he received his PhD from Yale University and conducted postdoctoral research at the Harvard Kennedy School. He returned to Pakistan to serve as the Chief Economist of the Planning Commission throughout the 1960s. In 1970 after the fall of Field Marshal Ayub Khan he moved to the Washington DC to serve at the World Bank Director of Policy Planning until 1982, where he played a major role in reorienting its approach to assisting development in low income countries (Wikipedia).

He returned to Pakistan in 1982 and in 1985 became the country’s Finance Minister, overseeing a period of economic liberalisation. In 1989 he moved back to U.S. where he served as the Special Adviser to the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Administrator William Henry Draper. At the UNDP, Haq led the establishment of the Human Development Report and the widely respected HDI, which measures development by well-being, rather than by income alone. He returned to Pakistan in 1996 to establish the Human Development Center in Islamabad.  Haq is considered to have had a profound effect on global development. Haq’s 1995 book Reflections on Human Development is said to have opened new avenues to policy proposals for human development paradigms, such as the 20:20 Global CompactAmartya Sen and Tam Dalyell termed Haq’s work to have “brought about a major change in the understanding and statistical accounting of the process of development.” The Economist called him “one of the visionaries of international development.” He was widely regarded as “the most articulate and persuasive spokesman for the developing world’ (Wikipedia).

Ladies and Gentlemen,

At the back cover of a book title “membangun ekonomi Manusiawi” which is just launched, written, ‘Buku ini menggarap persoalan manusiawi dengan meletakkan kebenaran dan system nilai sebagai pusat segala soal manusia.  Buku yang mengandungi sebelas makalah ini merupakan gandingan pemikiran beberapa ahli akademik Malaysia dan Indonesia serta aktivis social yang berpengalaman dalam kerja-kerja NGO termasuk misi kemanusiaan meretas sempadan’. 

One of chapter is mine title “Wakaf dan Pembangunan Ekonomi Manusiawi”.  In chapter 5 of the book, I wrote that the problem of poverty and inequality, can be solved by Waqf which has been proven by all the history.

If you want to know more about waqf, just come to Ibn Khaldun University.  We have master program in waqf concentration.

Bogor Ibn Khaldun university (UIKA) is the oldest private university located in Bogor City, West Java Indonesia. Inspired by a world scholar Ibn Khaldun, this university is named Ibn Khaldun University. UIKA is an Islamic university founded by famous scholars in Indonesia. Now, Dr. Didi Hilman is acting as chairman of Ibn Khaldun foundation and Dr. E. Mujahidin is acting as a rector.  It has 6 faculties, 1 graduate school and 23 study programs with around 7500 students. In 2019, UIKA was included in the top 100 national rankings of the best universities in Indonesia. This university has many lecturers and special alumni who are currently serving as public leaders at the local, national and international levels. Some of our directors and lecturers are also famous people like Prof. Didin Hafidhuddin as deputy chairman of the Advisory Council of the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI), Dr. Hendri Tanjung (me) as member of the Indonesian Waqf Board (BWI) and also Dr. Adian Husaini as Chairman of the Indonesian Da’wah Council (DDII).

Currently, UIKA has collaborated with several foreign universities located in various countries such as Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Taiwan, Qatar, Jordan, Sri Lanka, Brunei Darussalam, South Korea, Hong Kong, the Philippines, and Russia. Some of students of Faculty of Islamic studies came from these countries.

Dear friends,

We have spoken a lot about ‘Membangun Ekonomi Manusiawi’ today. Now we must move to action. At least, the lesson for all of us according to Dato Sri Anwar Ibrahim is, Mari membangun dengan tidak merobohkan.  Let’s develop economic without sacrificing humanity.  The approach varies from economics, politics, education, religious, agriculture, health sector and other sectors as the speakers discussed.

In my view, this bilingual webinar is very useful. Not only for the Malaysian and Indonesian people, but also for Muslims around the world. The conference program today is being watched by 198 people via zoom. More than 300 people followed directly via youtube and facebook, making this webinar the participation of at least 500 people worldwide. This is a truly international webinar. I thank all the participants who participated in this event until the end.

I would also like to thank the speakers who took the time to provide insights about “Membangun Ekonomi Manusiawi” (humanistic economic Development) to the entire audience.  My highest appreciation goes to H.E. Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim, Tn. Hj. Nik Mohd Yusoff Nik Ismail, Prof Dato’ Dr. Mohammad Redzuan Othman, Prof. Dr. Saadiah Mohamad, Prof. Dr. Jomo Kwame Sundaram, Prof. Dr. Tariqullah Khan, Prof. Emeritus Khoo boo Teik, Dato’ Sri Steve yap, Dato Freida Pilus, Dr Hafas Furqani,

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I conclude my vote of appreciation by saying, thank organizers: Forum Ekonomi Manusiawi (FEM), Institute Darul Ehsan (IDE), International Institute of Islamic Thought (IIIT), and ABIM, for involving Ibn Khaldun University as one of universities which collaborates to organizers to hold this webinar. Hopefully this collaboration will continue in the future.

I thank you very much, and I close with pantun.

Anak bayi diberi coklat

Biar cepat tumbuh gigi

Kalau ekonomi manusiawi mau meningkat

Rapatkan barisan kuatkan sinergi

Penulis : Hendri tanjung

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